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최면(최면상담)과 관련한 외국 학자들의 논문

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댓글 0건 조회 1,351회 작성일 15-12-28 13:45


최면(최면상담)과 관련한 외국 학자들의 논문


1. Blumenthal, Richard A.(1984). Rational suggestion therapy: A subconscious approach to RET. Medical Hypnoanalysis, 5(2), May, 57-60.

2. Gunnison, H. (1990a). “Hypnocounseling: Ericksonian hypnosis for counselors”. The Journal of Counseling and Development, 68 (March/April), 450~453.

3. Gunnison, H. (1990b). Adler, Erickson and hypnocounseling. Individual Psychology, Vol. 46, 4. 411-22.

4. Gunnison, H. (2003). Hypnocounseling: An Eclectic Bridge Between Milton Erickson and Carl Rogers. Ross-on-Wye, UK: PCCS Books.

5. Lopez, F.G.(1987). Erickson and Rogers: The differences do make a difference. Journal of Counseling & Development, 65, 5(Jan.), 241–43.

6. Otani, A.(1989). Integrating Milton H. Erickson's hypnotherapeutic techniques into general counseling and psychotherapy. Journal of Counseling & Development, 68, 2(Nov/Dec), 203–07.

7. Rogers. C. R.(1985). “Reaction to Gunnison's article on the similarities between Erickson and Rogers”. The Journal of Counseling and Development, 63 (May), 565-566.



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